روابط عمومی نانا
هرچه میخواهد دل تنگت بگو
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
يک کچل خوش خيال ديگر !!!!!!!

واه واه واه .....فقط کافيست که يک سر به پيام گير اسد عليمحمدي
ميزدم که ناگهاني برايتان يک فقره ديگر از فقرات معاريف و
مشاهير و کساخير و کسا شعر ديگر رو
کنم !!!!عجب بازي ساده خنده داري شده است براي من به ولاي اميل زولا!!
فقره اي از همان قسم فقرات کچل خوش خيال !!!!!! به
نام مسعود برجيان د ست و رو نشسته آمده و اين پيام را گذارده :

((نويسنده: مسعود برجيان سه شنبه، ۲۹ فروردین،
۱۳۸۵ ساعت ۰۶:۴۵ اسدجان سلام و درود و خسته‌نباشيدرُك
و پوست‌كنده بگويم در ميان تمامي مصاحبه‌هاي كه تا كنون
انجام داده بودي مصاحبه با مهدي جامي بهترين آن بود. جالب آن بود
كه امروز صبح زود از خواب بيدار شدم و چرخي زدم در
وبستان و يادداشتي نوشتم و يادم آمد كه اين مصاحبه را در
ليست انتظار گذاشته‌ام براي خوانده شدن. فكر مي‌كني اولين واكنش‌ام
به نخستين پاراگراف همين بخش سوم چه بود؟ دهانم از تعجب باز
ماند! چون گفته‌هاي مهدي جامي با مدعاي يادداشت آخرم بينهايت شبيه بود!
دست مريزاد اسد جان!))

خوب مردک تو هم که يکي همانند مهدي جامي کچل خوش خيالي
که ؟ امثال تو خود خود را لو ميدهند ميگي چطوري ؟برات
ميگم تو آمده اي به رکي و پوست کندگي خايه هائي از
مهدي جامي و اسد ماليده اي و با اعلام ضايعه از خواب بيدار
شدنت گفته اي که تو هم همان شکرهائي را که او خورده !!! قبلا خورده اي !!!!
يعني يه مرحله جلو تر از اين کچل خوش خيال هستي و بعد با
گفتن دست مريزاد به او درحقيقت به خودت که از او جلوتر هستي دست مريزاد گفته اي ؟

عجب همگي شما دهانهاي
گشادي که نميگويم به کجاها ؟ ختم ميشود داريد .به ولاي مولانا بلخي !!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Addendum: I posted the following “ Original” comment at Sima Shakhsari’s site saying that I will not post any more comment. She not only deleted this innocent comment of mine but also, she blocked my IP, using her cockroach brain as if I had no other way to expose her. Please be your own judge and ask yourself, why my comment was deleted while the others that are worse than mine are still sitting there in tact?

Sima Shakhsari: Do you know why you are deleting my comment that has no insult in it but leaving the others that have the nastiest words? Well: I am the one that to know who is paying for you to travel and do the research on Iranian bloggers. If you delete this comment, I will destroy your reputation and it won’t be too late to shut down this public toilet of you like your other friend Ali reza.
Even one contact with Hussein Derakhshan makes one suspicious, let alone staying with him. You said you worked in two jobs, with your background the best places that you could work is being a cashier in Sears that does not even pay enough for your make up, let alone to feed you fat belly let alone paying more than two thousands dollar ($2,000.00) for a sick cat. Are you kidding lady? Living in three places at the same time, San Francisco, Toronto and now Washington DC, and God knows where else. Have a respect for yourself and do not make me to open my mouth. It is for your own good. THIS COMMNET STAYS HERE OR ELSE YOU WILL SEE IT ALL OVER INTERNET.

{The original comment.} Sima: I have never seen a cheap, low class, miser, miserable, and beggar person like you. I am glad you are not Bill Gate, George Soros, Pier Omid (Iranian owner of e bay) or thousands of other philanthropists that gives away millions of their money for people that they do not know. If you were one of these people, I scare you would walk in any Indian's girl school and pick one of them and in front of others say, “ Do you know that I have paid for her clothing.” Az We Azerbaijanis says” Allah daghina bakhar gar verar.”, “ Khoda be azmate kohha behesh barf mide.’ shoma hatta be andazeye ye tappeye topaleye y deh ham nistid.

Sima Shakhsari: Who said mother Teresa is dead? She live in you and you must be second mother Teresa. Thanks God you are not paying even an extra penny for people posting comment at your site, or else, only God knows how loud you would shout at being so generous.

Well, I will not come to this stable of you anymore, “ bekhor, begoz, beshah, bejoo, birin, all by yourself”

Sima: Thanks God from thousands of subjects in this world, you know only a little on discourse and language learned from idiots like Butler, so you know that words have meaning and people hide their deep-seated desire behind their words.

Please allow me to psychoanalyze you. My conversation with Sahar is not the source of your discomfort. I just removed your mask and showed that because of your ugly attitude, you can’t get along with people. There was no insult, no ridiculing, absolutely none in Sahar’s comments but you tried to interpret it from behind your sick, hysterical and narcissistic personality.

Sima: You are arrogant, narcissist, closed minded, full of hate, biased, prejudice with worse than ugly attitude.

Please do not mention that idiot friend of you Ali Reza Dostdar anymore, he was not even polite enough to say goodbye to his readers, he just shut down his :public toilet and ran away. I felt very sorry when Peyam Yazdanjo ridiculed him and he defended himself by mention his stupid article on American Anthropologist. Well he deserves a noble prize for that masterpiece of him.

I am not expecting from people like you and some of other bloggers, you are the worst apple in the Iranian basket. Some time I just get disappointed to see how come a PhD student can behave like a insecure teenager, crying for a piece of clothing.

Excuse my foul language, but you, Farnaz, Mahshid etc are just barking dogs, barking all the time at those that had the courage to say “ balaye cheshat abrost.”

PS: “ You will find comfort among those that you agree and you will grow among those that you do not agree.

No wonder I used to call Ali reza not an Anthropologist but Antar- pologist, the same goes to you as well.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's Sima's blog address??? She is an agent of IRI???

سهند بيا اينم آدرس هور هاوس !


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nana -- please excuse me for not addressing you with some artificial titles such as, Dear, aziz, gerami, jan also these titles shows respect but in Iranian bloggers’ dictionary means, ass kissing and hiding the rage and hate that one thing I will never do and prefer being a male prostitute than giving my identity away and being a ass kisser-----

Any how, Nana: I am an electronic test engineer, testing, troubleshooting the Topography machines that worth 2.2 Millions dollars. These machines are being used in radiation therapy of cancerous tumors and also there is some famous German and Swedish brand in the market, but our product have patented certain technological breakthrough that narrows down the beam to kill less healthy cells than the others. So I am a man of precision in vital issues. All these times I have realized that you and I have one thing in common and that is locating the cancerous tumors. Well, it is very hard to kill the cancerous cells without damaging the healthy one and sometime both of us trying to kill the deadly cells, but inadvertently damaging the healthy ones. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are an honest, intelligent--- but as every other intelligent person sometime impatient, trying to drag the time instead of following it--- person, wanting to see your people in better condition, your anger, frustration in much more healthier than those shallow friendly looking words of rapists such as Hale, Mahshid, Asad ali Mohammadi, Dariush Mohammad poor, Abbas Maroufi, Massod Behnood, Abtahi, dalghak Hussein Derakhshan, shah allahi Majid Zohari, koni Moeteza Negahi, and khaje (eunuch) Shokr allahi and other stupid, asshole morons that after all these years still chasing this clown Mohammad Khatami or kissing Dr.Moein’s ass. I wonder how wide one ass to be not to feel that this asshole Khatami’s dick was in their ass for full eight years. If one asks me what is the major problem in my life, I definitely would say that “ All I want is to kill the cancerous tumors and not to damage the healthy cells.’ And this is the biggest and most challenging project that I have in front of me for the rest of my life.

I said, I have one thing in common with you—which is major—but there are some other issues that I depart from you and they are 1: Unknowingly you insult the entire population for not being as sensitive as you are when it comes expressing their anger, their objections, sometimes calling them ‘ olagh ha booland shid, chera khabidid, etc‘ Nana: people are like elephant, they may seem less sensitive than a butterflies, but when they rise, no one can stop them. Second: again inadvertently you insult people’s religious belief; as if. If they did not have any, the world would be a better place, well you are wrong. I did not came too this conclusion after reading religious materials, I came to this after long time reading of solid science, Freud and Lacan’s psychoanalysis. Unfortunately religion is being abused by both sides, I am not even going to talk about some obvious medievalist religious thinkers, religious books etc, I am going to talk more recent and modern looking one. People like Ahmad Ghabel. Ali Shariati (I would like some one to stick a saw in my ass than calling this screwed up person a Dr. well I have the right o challenge his stupidity, at the same time when French geneticist and biologist Jacques Monod was getting his Noble prize this idiot was studying Akhond-ology--- I am not joking, his research was in Akhond- and to best of my knowledge he never finished his university, even if he did he got his Doctorate in Akhondology---), Montazari and their most moderns SHURAKA, people like Professor Dr. Mehdi Jami and Dr. Massod Borjian and assistant professor Mohsen Momeni and others.

Nana: You have a surgical eye to finding the tumors—as I have-- and I do understand your frustration witnessing shits like Mahshid, Farnaz, Hale, Omid Millani and other assholes and trashes in Internet. I do also suffer to see how come an adult people like Massod Borjian or this monkey named Parsa Saebi would lower their statute to kiss asses that have absolutely no value for them. Just look at his latest post of this stupid asshole Parsa Saeibi, in which he praises the old monkey Asad Ali Mohammadi because in his Interview with professor, Dr. (to power three) Mehdi Jami they have mentioned his name. Can you imagine what these people would do if they had their hands in millions of dollars capital and power? They would be much worse than even Saeid Imami.

If a person can kiss ass for nothing, they would torture, kill, mutilate for money.

I feel so sorry for people like Massod Borjian for their being so a beggar. I used to visit his site once a while—not to read, he has nothing to teach me—for two simple reasons. 1: My military training was in Esfahan's garrison in heavy artillery and I had a very good time and beside the natural scenery, food, fruit but most I enjoyed their vast book stores -- and 2: He and I both have technical background and I tried to have some conversation with him but well, he is more in ass kissing business than caring about his own life. Well he finally learned to censor the comments. Ass kissing comes before the TRUTH. Good luck for all.

Nana: too many thing to little time, take care.

PS 1: Nana: If you want to understand some of these multi faced Iranian bloggers, you need just to wait. As Heidegger says,” The thing reveals themselves when they breakdown. “Yesterday’s best friendship goes down to toilet if one tries to express his/her objection. In most of Iranian cyberspace one has to be either an outcast or ass kisser. I think I know where I stand. Anyhow, it is a good ground for my psychological investigation of ”lompan preletaria”

PS2: This Sima Shakhsari's case is even worse, she is in a suspicious mission and to best of my knowledge none of all those mentioned about are in this dirty business. Sahand

سهند گرامي

بهترين بخش سخنانت سخناني است که راجع به افراد مستقل
زده اي اينان همواره قربانيان حماقت جمعي اکثريت هستند
ولي مهم نيست
پرنسيپ هائي هست که اگر از آن عدول کني فرقي با رجاله ها
و اين پرنسيپ ها باعث کيفيت يک انسان است ورنه کميت که سر
سگ بزني قربانت گردم گوسفند ريخته با چه دمبه هاي چربي
در ماتحت هر يک !!!!! مگه نه ؟ نانا

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mr. Sahand:

Here is what I wrote in refrence to Sima's latest post. I have backed all my assertions with citing legitimate sources unlike her biased and one sided anti-amrican drivel. Her argument is agregiously uninformed devoid of historical and sociological context. I wonder how she can write such sophmoric essay and attend Stanford. I hope she doesn't delete my response. Will see if she will try to refute my argument. Here is what I wrote:
I have also worked in similar situations with gang members in East Los Angeles and so on. There is no doubt that the distribution of wealth in America is disporportionately allocated toward white America. However, poverty and other social ills and injustices that you have mentioned do not exist because of the nature of the system as a whole. I attribute poverty in America more to racism and the liberal policies of the 60's where the moral fabric of the society was torn assunder by the sexual revolution, culture of drugs which has given rise to horrendous and abusive parenting for years, and the antebelum south culture of slavery and racism that persist to this date and has systematically and methodically damaged the Black-American psyche for generations now.

IMHO, there is no reason whatsoever for anyone with a decent family background not to make it in the US. If an immigrant from Mexico can come here with nothing but a shirt on her back and become an entrepreneur in Los Angeles or some place else, Americans should be able to do the same. And if they can't do it is not because they don't have the opportunity to get there, it's probably because of other reasons.
Some internal and some external ones that most of us have to grapple with in our lives. Some of us are better at coping with life's challenges than others.
Did you know that Oprah's great grand parents were slaves? There are thousands of Oprahs in the US. Why don't you write about them?

Here is a list of countries and their average income per capita for comparative analysis:

Income per capita in America: $42,000+
Income per capita in Iran: $ 8,800
Income Per Capita in Malta $19,000

http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/ factbook/rankorder/2004rank.html

What I'm trying to say is that poverty in Iran is systematic and by political design.

One reason is that Iran's government has discouraged the formation of an industrial middle class. That would leave 80 percent of the economy essentially in the hands of the state. As a result, there is no solid cadre of business leaders to pressure the government or at worst overthrow it. Despite its massive oil reserves, the country has very little capacity to produce substances like gasoline and jet fuel. Iran's imports in this area are at about $10 billion a year, a figure that may represent up to a third of all imports. (source:
http://www.iht.com/articles/2006...ss/ sanction.php

Blogger parva said...
در مورد این بچه اطلاعاتی ها میلانی و ....خودت را ناراحت نکن بی محلی به انها که پشم ....هم حساب نمیشوند از هر چیزی بهتر است تو رسالت خود را انجام بده وارد هیچ دعوایی هم نشو میخواهند ادم را فرسوده کنند

Blogger ملا حسنی said...
نانا خانوم سلام
برای اینکه یک عکس را در وبلاگ بگذاری باید توجه کنی که آن عکس را قبلا کسی روی یک سایت اینترنتی ذخیره کرده است و دارای آدرس اینترنتی میباشد

حالا فرض کنیم شما آدرس عکس را میدانید کافی است آن آدرس را کپی کنید
حالا وارد بلاگ اسپات شده و وارد وبلاگ خود میشوید.
در همان قسمتی که میخواهید مطلبی را بنویسید یک نواری هست که یکسری امکانات ویرایش را به شما میدهد مثل لینک دادن و غیره
اگر دقت کنی میبینی یک عکس کوچک هم وجود دارد وقتی آنرا با ماوس کلیک کنی از شما آدرس عکس مورد نظر را می پرسد. شما هم بدون معطلی و بدون اینکه بازیگوشی کنید آدرس عکس را در انجا وارد میکنید و صلوات میفرستید

این از این حالت
مرحله بعد این استکه شما عکسی دارید که آدرس ندارد در اینصورت بهتر است آنرا برای من بفرستید تا من آنرا در سایت فلیکر قرار دهم و آدرسش را برایت ارسال کنم

دو سه بار تمرین کنی آنقدر ماهر میشی که وبلاگت تبدیل به البوم خانوادگی احمدی نژاد خواهد شد

ملاي عزيزم

اين آدرسي که نوشتي يعني چي و من حتي بلد نيستم
که از ايميل برايت چيزي را بفرستم کجاي کاري ؟
من چنين خنگ الاغي هستم
بايد برايم پاورچين پاورچين توضيحاتي بدهي کلمه به کلمه
و عدد به عدد که بي سوادي است و هزار درد بديدمان قربانت گردم .نانا

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nana: Abbas Milani v Korush Lashaei hardo be goh khordam oftand v zamane shah azad shodand. Lashaei chand sal ghabl dar San Diego az maraze sel dar ghozashet vali inja ro bekhonid, Sima, sibiltala, Bahman Kalbasi, Sanam be jasosi motthhem shode and.

http://hnn.us/blogs/entries/24178.html Sahand

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hussein Derakhshan ra yadam raft ezafe konam. Sahand

Anonymous Anonymous said...